How Do You Stay Safe during Pandemic Covid19

In the year 2020; we thought we could have flying cars, vast development in the area of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the list of advancement in the Technology goes on but now we are talking more about face masks, sanitizers and how to wash hands. During this 1st quarter of the year 2020, the world is facing and battling a common “enemy” which we identified it as Coronavirus (Covid19). In the midst of facing the impact of trade tension between the 2 economy giants, China and United States of America (USA), we are battling with shortage of medical equipment, medical workers and the medical facilities to battle Covid19 now. Let us focus on how we as an individual can contribute and Remain Safe during the pandemic Covid19.

1. Stay informed from reputable sources

During this period of anxiety and uncertainty, we are loaded with tonnes of information from the internet and not to mention the social media such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tik Tok, and etc on the on-going pandemic Covid19. Of course we need to stay alert and informed of the latest news about Covid19, nevertheless we need to exercise cautious among ourselves of not been misguided by false information spreading around within the internet itself. You can always refer to the following sources from the internet to stay informed of the pandemic:

***can refer to your local government health administrative website

2. Social Distancing

Everyone is talking about social distancing during this period of pandemic. Social distancing or physical distancing is am infectious controlled actions to stop / slow down the spread of coronavirus. Due to the fact that Covid19 is a contagious disease which the infection can be easily transmitted via droplet contact (sneezing or coughing); direct physical contact and indirect physical contact, we must practise Social Distancing to stay safe from the coronavirus; together we can slow down the transmission of coronavirus and put a stop to this outbreak Covid19. How can we practise social distancing to stay safe? Start practising by maintaining a physical distance of 1 metres apart from your nearest human contact in the public place. 


                                Social Distancing is a Must in Public Places

3. Personal Hygiene Practices

a)      Wash hand thoroughly and often in the following manner:

            i.  Wash your hand under running tap.

            ii. Proceed to rub your hand thoroughly with soap.

            iii. Rub both hands with soap including both palms, fingers and up to the wrist of both hands.

            iv. Wash both hands under running tap again for at least 20 seconds.

             v.  Rub both hands with a dry towel.

                    Remember to wash hand as often as possible and in the right way


c)       Avoid touching your face especially eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands.


e)          Sanitize your hand:

             i. Cover all the surface of your hands with the hand sanitizer.

             ii. Rub both hands together until feel dry.

                      Recommended at least 60% alcohol level for the hand sanitizer

4. Stay at home

Order food delivery or take away could be a better option. Choose "contactless delivery" to enjoy taste food while protect yourselve from the virus. [Tips: Click Here For FREE RECIPE - Here's a treat for staying indoors]  

5. Ensure the cleaness and hygeine of restaurants you're choosing. [Tips: Click Here For Best Cleaning Equipment During Covid-19]